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Getting Started


Access to the API is currently in preview mode.

  • Accounts are only activated for selected partners.
  • The API is not stable and subject to change.

Our API endpoints enable media creation with generative models. It follows an asynchronous design, where you first make a request for a generation and then query for the result of your request. On this page, we provide an example to create an image from a text prompt.

Obtain an API key

To get started, create an account at After confirming your E-Mail, sign in and add a new API key. To follow along, store your API key in an environment variable BFL_API_KEY:

export BFL_API_KEY="<your key>"

Create an image

Create request

To generate an image from a prompt, create a request:

Install curl and run

request=$(curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H "x-key: ${BFL_API_KEY}" \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "prompt": "A cat on its back legs running like a human is holding a big silver fish with its arms. The cat is running away from the shop owner and has a panicked look on his face. The scene is situated in a crowded market.",
  "width": 1024,
  "height": 1024
echo $request
request_id=$(jq -r .id <<< $request)

Install requests (e.g. pip install requests) and run

import os
import requests

request =
        'accept': 'application/json',
        'x-key': os.environ.get("BFL_API_KEY"),
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'prompt': 'A cat on its back legs running like a human is holding a big silver fish with its arms. The cat is running away from the shop owner and has a panicked look on his face. The scene is situated in a crowded market.',
        'width': 1024,
        'height': 1024,
request_id = request["id"]

A successful response will be a json object containing the request's id, that will be used to retrieve the actual result.

Poll for result

To retrieve the result, you can poll the get_result endpoint:

This assumes that the request id is stored in a request_id variable as it was done in the previous step.

while true
  sleep 0.5
  result=$(curl -s -X 'GET' \
    "${request_id}" \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H "x-key: ${BFL_API_KEY}")
  if [ "$( jq -r .status <<< $result )" == "Ready" ]
    echo "Result: $(jq -r .result.sample <<< $result)"
    echo "Status: $(jq -r .status <<< $result)"

This assumes that the request id is stored in a request_id variable and that the os and requests packages were imported as it was done in the previous step.

import time

while True:
    result = requests.get(
            'accept': 'application/json',
            'x-key': os.environ.get("BFL_API_KEY"),
            'id': request_id,
    if result["status"] == "Ready":
        print(f"Result: {result['result']['sample']}")
        print(f"Status: {result['status']}")

See our reference documentation for a full list of options.


Please note that sending requests to /v1/image is limited to 12 active tasks. If you exceed your limit, it will return a status code 429 and you will have to wait until one of your previous tasks has finished. If you require higher volumes, please contact us at

If you run out of credits (status code 402) you can go to, sign in and click "Add" to buy additional credits. See also our pricing.